
The Chiefs and Clanmothers have considered the safety of all the people while still fulfilling as best we can the protocols for a funeral. We understand the family might be faced with self-isolation or having to quarantine due to being tested or testing positive with the Covid virus. This may create hardships for families to prepare everything required of them with the death of their Loved One, such as, shopping.

The following guidelines have been agreed upon:

  1. The family will take the clothes to the funeral home and the funeral home will dress the Loved One that has passed, they will then bring the Loved One directly from funeral home to the site of burial at the Longhouse at 11am.
  2. At the longhouse, Set up of a 10 x 10 tent over the burial site. Bring the Loved One to the burial site and have the casket open. (Relaying to the family to bring chairs for themselves that they can take with them after). Also, we are asking to limit the amount of people to 10, only immediate family.
  3. As for the speaker appointed or asked, PPE gear needs to be utilized from the emergency control group.
  4. Do the Speech of Strengthening the Minds as best as possible (left to the speaker’s discretion). Then speak to the one that has passed on, telling the situation and for nothing to bother their mind. Tell the people to go around and view.
  5. Allow everyone to pass by the open casket to allow the grieving process and to maintain a 2- metre distance from casket.
  6. Lower the Loved one back to our Mother Earth and continue with the words for their journey.
  7. The immediate family can then go back for a private meal. Still setting out a plate as following protocol.
  8. For the 10 days, the immediate family can follow the protocol of setting out a plate at every snack/meal including the supper of the 10th night. The 10-day feast will not be conducted because of safety and stress on the family.

Instead, we will burn tobacco asking that we’re not able to fulfill it fully when a person passes because of the situation. We will acknowledge there may be more than one person that we lose during the pandemic and once the virus subsides, we will do a combined feast for all the families of the Longhouses that lost their Loved One.

We are also asking everyone to put off any medicines or feasts that can be done at a later date including one-year feasts. This too will be covered in the tobacco burning. We realize there maybe “911” emergency feasts that still have to be put through, for these we are asking to be as safe as possible and limit the amount of people to the best of your ability.

These are the precautions and protocols we ask are followed during this time to ensure the safety of the family, the speakers and their families, and all of our precious community.

In Peace and friendship,

The Chiefs and Clanmothers of the HCCC

Click here to download the document.